Mojim Lyrics
Mojim Lyrics > Japanese & Korean singers > ariel makes gloomy
ariel makes gloomy【 13 songs in total 】
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  Song Lyricist Composer Date
1 defloration tamie ishida tamie ishida 2019-06
2 dreamed away tamie ishida tamie ishida 2019-04
3 floundering tamie ishida tamie ishida 2019-06
4 focal point tamie ishida tamie ishida 2018-06
5 gradation tamie ishida tamie ishida 2018-06
6 impervious tamie ishida tamie ishida 2019-06
7 infinite refrain tamie ishida tamie ishida 2017-10
8 place before dawn tamie ishida tamie ishida 2018-06
9 slowmotion tamie ishida tamie ishida 2017-10
10 the beginning and the end tamie ishida tamie ishida 2017-10
11 twilight tamie ishida tamie ishida 2018-06
12 シンクロニシティ tamie ishida tamie ishida 2017-10
13 フラッシュバック tamie ishida tamie ishida 2019-06